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Professional and Scholarly Outputs

    Wong, S.L. (2012). 孩子需要藝術教育 [Children need arts education]. Soul Link, (1), 18-20.

    Wong, S.L. (2011). 高中視藝科考試改革的風波 [Disputes on the examination change of the senior secondary visual arts subject]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (1), 11-14.

    Wong, S.L. (2009, April 20). 西九觀眾群的藝術教育 [Art education for audiences of the West Kowloon] . Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. 31

    Wong, S.L. (2008, June 30). 視覺藝術科的校本評估 [School-based assessment of visual arts subject] . Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A9

    Wong, S.L. (2007). 我看中學生的視藝評賞 [A view on a senior secondary student’s art appreciation and criticism]. Hong Kong Art Education, (1), 12-14

    Wong, S.L. (2007). 課程改革與我的專業成長 [Curriculum Reform and my Professional Development]. Hong Kong Art Education (The fifteen-year anniversary special issue of HKSEA), (3), 9-10

    Wong, S.L. (2007, April 16). 「零學額」的矛盾 [A contradictory policy of zero quota]. Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. 29

    Wong, S.L. (2006). 指引不足的《指引》 [Curriculum guide is lacking guidance]. Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. 27

    Wong, S.L. (2006). 教改排山倒海 教師難務正業 [An avalanche of education reform, teachers are too busy to play the teaching role]. Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A31

    Wong, S.L. (2005, May 5). 視覺藝術科的「危」與「機」 [The crises and opportunities of visual arts curriculum change]. Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Bulletin. Retrieved from 

    Wong, S.L. (2005). 紙筆考試能反映藝術教育的本質與價值嗎? [Can pencil and paper test reflect the essence and the value of art education?]. Hong Kong Art Education, (1), 22-23.

    Wong, S.L. (2004). 應用於視覺藝術科的「課堂學習研究」理念 [Applying the theory of learning studies in visual arts subject]. Hong Kong Art Education, (3), 5-9.

    Wong, S.L. (2004). 「新高中課程建議」偏離課改理想 [“The proposed new senior secondary curriculum” deviates from the ideal curriculum]. Hong Kong Art Education, (1), 20-21. (Reprinted from Hong Kong Economic Journal)

    Wong, S.L. (2004). 從《格爾尼卡》展開的隨想 [Inspiration from Guernica]. Hong Kong Art Education, (2), 7-8.

    Wong, S.L. (2001). 教育變革──宜關注學校文化及老師情緒 [Education change: Better to concern about school culture and teacher morale]. Hong Kong Art Education, (1), 15.

    Wong, S.L. (2001). 文委會能解決藝術教育政策的積弊嗎? [Can CHC resolve the long-standing abuse of art education policy?]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (31), 23.

    Wong, S.L. (2001). 開放的學校文化,造就具創意的老師與學生 [An open school culture can create innovative teachers and students]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (3), 13-14.

    Wong, S.L. (2001, March 31). 校本課程發展─未嘗開展已退縮 [School-based curriculum development has flinch before it starts]. Hong Kong Economic Journal.

    Wong, S.L. (2001, March 24). 一個未有共識的課題 [An issue without consensus yet]. Hong Kong Economic Journal.

    Wong, S.L. (2000, December 9). 藝術教育學習領域諮詢文件──未能掌握提升藝術教學素質的關鍵問題 [The consultation document of the KLA in arts education: Fails to grasp the key issues of teaching quality]. Hong Kong Economic Journal.

    Wong, S.L. (2000, November 4). 藝術教育改革的「拖」字訣 [The "delaying" tactic of art education reform]. Hong Kong Economic Journal.

    Wong, S.L. (2000, June 12). 缺乏美育的「均衡」與「創意」教育 [The lack of "balanced" and "creative" on art education]. PTU News, 400.

    Wong, S.L. (1998). 美術欣賞課題舉隅 [A teaching example of art appreciation]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (3), 8-9

    Wong, S.L. (1998). 作者的兩難──中央課程發展與校本課程發展的疑惑 [Dilemma: Doubt of central curriculum or school-based curriculum]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (3),17.

   Wong, S.L. (1997). 黑箱作業的「諮詢」與「檢討」──探討《初中美術與設計課程綱要初稿》 [A black box of Consultation and review: Explore the new syllabus of Art and Design (S1-S3)]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (1), 6-8.

    Wong, S.L. (1997). 回應教署阮肇基先生的「官話」──再談《初中美術與設計科課程綱要初稿》的諮詢 [Response to the bureaucratese of Yuen Siu Kei from Education Department.]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (1), 9.RichText.

    Wong, S.L. (1997). 評《教統會第七號報告書(諮詢文件):「智慧工廠化」的「優質」學校教育──救救「邊緣」科目》 [“Quality” education with the “industrial intelligence”: Save the “marginal” course]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (2), 7-8.

    Wong, S.L. (1996). 參加北京國際美術教育研討會有感 [Impressions of International Art Education Conference held in Beijing]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (1), 7.

    Wong, S.L. (1996). 改善香港美勞教學的一點意見 [Comments on enhancing the teaching of art and craft]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (2), 10.

    Wong, S.L. (1996). 學校行政與小學美術教育 [School administration and art education in primary schools]. Hong Kong Art Education Newsletter, (3), 7.

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